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"Mau ke pesta, tapi malu klo
pake gaun yang sama terus???
Mau beli tapi sayang
karena hanya dipakai 1 kali???"

Sewa saja gaun pestanya di GL Boutique. GL Boutique mempunyai koleksi gaun pesta yang stylish, elegan, dan uptodate. Dan SETIAP gaun pesta yang Anda sewa kami akan modifikasi sesuai dengan postur Anda.

Gaun Anda Ukuran Anda…
Anda bosan beli gaun pesta tapi nggak pernah PAS dipakenya. Keliatannya bagus tapi pas dipakai koq "kedodoran/kekecilan" di bagian tertentu...

Tiap wanita dikarunia postur tubuh yang berbeda…

Dan biasanya gaun pesta dibuat dengan ukuran standar. Karena itu jika Anda menyewa gaun di GL Boutique kami akan memodifikasi gaun yang Anda pakai sesuai dengan bentuk dan ukuran Anda.

Sehingga gaun tidak hanya stylish tapi juga enak dipakai. Nggak akan ada kata kedodoran atau kekecilan lagi waktu dipakai, tapi PAS karena tiap Gaun dipola KHUSUS untuk Anda. Sehingga Anda bisa tampil SEMPURNA di acara penting Anda

Anda akan merasa mempunyai Boutique Anda sendiri.

Kenapa harus GL Boutique???
Karena GL Boutique telah mempunyai pengalaman 12 tahun dalam membuat gaun pesta (tenaga yang pernah bekerja di rumah mode terkenal di Indonesia). GL Boutique menyewakan/membuat gaun prewedding, bridesmaid, gaun mama, gaun big size, promnight, sweet 17th dll.

Berikut sebagian kecil koleksi kami

sewa gaun pesta
jual gaun pesta
jual gaun pesta
sewa gaun pesta bandung
jual gaun pesta bandung
gaun pesta bandung
jual gaun pesta di bandung
sewa gaun pesta di bandung

Jangan lupa follow instagram untuk mendapatkan model-model terbaru kami:

Dan like FB kami untuk mendapatkan informasi terupdate mengenai GL Boutique di:

Tapi saya pengen punya gaun sendiri.
Bisa koq... Anda bisa memberikan ukuran, bahan, dan desainnya kepada kami, kami siap untuk membuatnya sesuai dengan ukuran Anda.

Dimana lokasi GL Boutique???
GL Boutique ada di Holis Regency D-27, Bandung

Parkir kami luas!!!

BY APPOINTMENT ONLY: harap membuat janji terlebih dulu...

Mau tanya-tanya dulu silahkan kontak kami di:

Kami dengan senang hati berbincang dengan Anda.

Harganya :

Sewa: Start from Rp. 200.000,-
Buat: Start from Rp. 600.000,-

Ok kami tunggu Anda di GL Boutique…

"GL Boutique Your Personal Boutique..."



Stock investment, binary options, and foreign exchange (Forex) trading - these are some of the popular ways of generating additional income aside from choosing the traditional ways (building a small business or applying for a part-time work). Which do you prefer? Oh, so you're already familiar with stock investment and binary options. You don't mind trying them but you would be glad to learn about other potential sources of investment income. And so, your wish is my command! You landed here because you want to know some facts about Forex trading, didn't you? This article won't make you an expert on the subject, but it can certainly answer the simplest questions that you have at this moment. No need to beat your brains out! The Basics of Foreign Exchange Currencies and foreign exchange are important to various people in different parts of the world. They are needed to keep foreign businesses running. For example, you are an American tourist traveling in Europe. Of course, you can't pay in dollars to go to the popular tourist destinations there. You will need to exchange your dollars for the local currency. So you see, there is a continuous need to exchange currencies. Due to this fact, Forex market has become the biggest financial market in the world. Forex Trading Defined Doing this type of investment means you're trading currencies against each other. You may opt to buy one while selling another. When you trade Forex, you basically attempt to make a profit by guessing that the value of one currency will go up or go down compared to another; for instance, a lot of EUR/USD. You choose when you want to close the trade. You can do it anytime the market is open. Some Advantages So, you can gain profits. What else? What makes this type of trading a lot more beneficial to you? • You can try a free demo account. This is mostly beneficial for beginners like you especially if you are a bit doubtful about yourself. Trying a free demo account prepares you for the time that you will need to really invest your money in the hopes of earning real profits. It likewise helps you figure out if Forex trading is for you. • The market trades 24 hours a day. So, you don't plan to do it full-time. That's just fine. You can trade at any time of the day because the market never sleeps. • There is no fixed lot size. Want to participate with a small lot size, let's say, $25? No problem! You determine your own position size. There you have it; the set of basic pieces of information about Forex trading. Do you want to try it? Or do you want to learn more detailed facts? You better choose the latter for now. There are numerous things you need to know, and you should make the most out of your resources. The good thing is, there are lots of them! Indeed, you need to be very careful in trying to make an investment. But it also pays to be bold enough to take risks. Just make sure you are equipped with enough knowledge about what you're doing. Article Source:

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